Q. What standard does the vehicle have to meet? A. The vehicle must be 1) of satisfactory quality 2) fit for purpose and 3) as described. Q. How long do I have to reject a faulty vehicle? A. Should any issues arise you should contact the trader as soon as...
How to recover an outstanding rent, service charge and ground rent arrears Q. My tenant has fled leaving unpaid rent, how do I recover this? A. The first step would be to send the ex-tenant a letter before action demanding payment of the outstanding debt. ...
Q. What is a small claim? A. A small claim is a claim which has a value of less than £10,000. Q. Do I need to take any steps before issuing a claim? A. Yes. Before issuing a claim you should send a “letter before action” to the other...
Q. Is there a time limit for enforcing a County Court Judgment? A. There is no strict limitation date for enforcing a Judgment. However, delay in enforcing can have consequences. Furthermore, permission may be required for some methods where a judgment is...
How to wind a company up Q. What does it mean to wind a company up? A. The company will be dissolved, removed from the Register of Companies at Companies House and as such will no longer exist. The assets of the company will be divided amongst the...
How to make an individual bankrupt Q. What are the requirements for making an individual bankrupt? A. In order to petition to make someone bankrupt they must owe you an undisputed debt which is £5,000 or more. Q. What is the first step? A. You must...
How to make an administrative restoration Q. What is administrative restoration? A. Administrative restoration is where you follow a process which involves liaising with Companies House to restore a dissolved company to the register. An application to...
Under English law, couples who wish to divorce without waiting a period of two years need to demonstrate the ‘irretrievable breakdown’ of their marriage. Critics argue that this often leads to a ‘blame game’ which can quickly turn...
How to apply to court to restore a company to the register Q. When is it appropriate to apply to court to restore a company to the register? A. If the company was undergoing an insolvent event before being struck off the register then this is the...
The laws surrounding the maximum hours an employee can work in one week may be scrapped under plans currently debated in Parliament. Environment Secretary Michael Gove said he will recommend that the Government should leave the European Working Time...
Care providers may be forced to pay out compensation if they continue to bill relatives for weeks following a resident’s death, it was recently reported. A report collated by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) raised concerns about a number...
A new Bill geared towards extending civil partnerships to heterosexual couples has been gathering momentum in recent weeks. The Private Members Bill, spearheaded by Conservative MP Tim Loughton, could potentially enable mixed-sex couples who do not wish to...
A number of high-profile employers have been publically “named and shamed” after not paying staff the legal minimum wage. Sports Direct and Primark are among the 260 companies said to have repaid workers millions of pounds. The figures,...
Q: Can employees put up Christmas decorations in the workplace? Employers owe a duty of care to their employees and therefore if an employer holds the honest belief that something could put an employee’s health and safety at risk, it could decline...
Q: What is the effect of adverse weather during Christmas? Adverse weather during the Christmas period can present its own problems to an employer, especially when it results in travel disruption. If an employee is unable to attend work due to adverse...
Sir James Munby, President of the Family Division, has confirmed that HM Courts and Tribunals Service (HMCTS) will trial a new ‘financial remedies’ Court in 2018. The news follows ongoing calls to separate divorce itself from related financial...
Q: Does an employee have the right to take Christmas Day, Boxing Day or New Year’s Day as holiday? Over the winter months, there are three bank holidays, which are Christmas Day (Monday 25 th December 2017), Boxing Day (Tuesday 26 th December 2017)...
The BBC has been forced to defend itself after it posted a BAME-only (black, Asian and non-white minority ethnic) job opportunity on its website. Conservative MP Andrew Bridgen criticised the BBC for not supporting “those most in need of a leg up and...
Hosting a Christmas party is a great way to reward staff for their loyalty and performance over the preceding year as well as providing staff with the opportunity to bond. However, whether held during or outside of working hours, Christmas parties can often...
Analysis suggests that an additional £900million in Inheritance Tax (IHT) receipts will be collected between now and 2022. Paperwork which was released alongside last week’s Budget speech revealed that it was now thought a greater sum than...
The recent frosty mornings reminds us that winter has finally arrived, and disruption due to the weather is highly likely over the next few months. We thought it would be a good time to remind you of your obligations in relation to employees and the bad...