A new study has revealed that less than a quarter of UK couples are in a happy relationship – and that a staggering 82 per cent would consider divorcing their current partner if they met ‘the match of their dreams’.
According to research, only 23 per cent of British couples believe that their current partner is their ‘soulmate’, and almost a fifth of unmarried couples would ‘avoid’ marrying their existing partner in hopes that their ‘true love’ will one day whisk them away.
The comments and statistics come after author Helen Fermont commissioned Fridhem Publishing to carry out a comprehensive survey into relationship psychology, to form the basis of her latest novel, Because of You, which explores themes of love and destiny.
“The findings of this research appear to suggest that a significant proportion of people are in relationships that they will always question,” she said.
“It is likely that the majority of these relationships are happy ones, and that love is present in some cases,” she added.
“Yet so many of these relationships seem doomed to failure because one or both parties are holding out for Mr or Mrs Right.
“They have a nagging doubt that their existing partner is in some way not good enough.”
The survey, which quizzed 850 British adults, suggested that 82 per cent would turn to divorcing their current partner should they meet their ‘true soulmate’.
91 per cent said added they believed their ‘true love’ could pop-up at any point in their life.