Ten Reasons to Review Your Business's Terms of Sale
Contracts are the life blood of businesses and one of the most critically important contracts for...
Rural leisure pursuits are very popular, with an estimated two thirds of land in the UK used for shooting (or shooting-related), fishing and other outdoor activities. They are very much part and parcel of rural life.
It is crucial that landowners and tenants know the extent of their rights and obligations in relation to such activities.
If you have rights (known in law as ‘profits á prendre’) over land to shoot, hunt or fish, these can be protected by simple registration at the Land Registry. Registration provides protection of the rights which are then binding against the landowner and his/her successors in title.
It is important that the rights of both landowner and tenant are mutually workable. A landowner, for example, will want to ensure a tenant’s shooting activities do not adversely affect his agricultural operations. Conversely, using the same example, the tenant will want to ensure his enjoyment of his shooting rights are not adversely affected by the landlord’s operations.
Get in touch for further information and specialist advice. We have local branches across the West Midlands in Bromsgrove, Kidderminster, Ludlow, Telford, Worcester, and Birmingham. Alternatively, please feel free to fill in our online enquiry form and a member of our team will be in touch shortly.
You can also email us or phone us on 0845 55 55 321.
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