Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) requirements in England and Wales, introduced as part of the Environment Act 2021, mandate developers to ensure that new developments result in a measurable increase in biodiversity. These regulations require developers to enhance biodiversity by at least 10% compared to pre-development levels, with the aim of reversing biodiversity loss and improving ecosystems.
Key points for developers include:
- Mandatory BNG: Developers must assess the biodiversity value of a site before development and calculate how it will change post-development. This is done using the Biodiversity Metric, which measures habitats and species.
- Planning Condition: BNG must be incorporated into planning proposals, subject to some exceptions, with developers required to submit biodiversity enhancement plans as part of the application process. These plans must demonstrate how the 10% net gain will be achieved.
- Off-site Compensation: If on-site enhancements are insufficient, developers can use off-site biodiversity credits or contribute to a biodiversity bank, purchasing credits to offset the loss elsewhere.
- Long-term Monitoring: Developers must monitor and maintain biodiversity improvements for at least 30 years after development completion, ensuring the long-term success of enhancement efforts.
These measures encourage developers to incorporate natural features into their designs, such as green spaces, wildlife corridors, and sustainable drainage systems, contributing to the broader goal of biodiversity conservation.
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For more information, email Paul Harris at, or give us a call on 0845 55 55 321.