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Can I make a Will in self-isolation?

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In the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic many of our clients have been in touch to review their Wills.  We are continuing to support our clients in every way possible in these difficult times using video calling (Skype/WhatsApp), emails and even the traditional phone!

The process of making a Will in self-isolation is not too dissimilar to how it was before the pandemic struck.  

The first step is to get in touch with a member of our team, who will then arrange a telephone/video call with you at a convenient time to discuss your personal circumstances.   

After speaking to you, we will prepare a draft Will for you to consider.  If you have email, the draft can be sent to you electronically.  We would recommend that it is sent to you this way, simply because the Coronavirus can remain detectable on surfaces, including paper, for many hours.  If you do not have email and a printer at home, we can arrange for the draft (and the final copy for signature) to be sent to you in the post.

As soon as you are ready to sign, you will need to print off your Will at home and arrange for two independent witnesses to be present when you sign. 

The one thing that you must always keep in mind is the government’s guidance on maintaining personal separation at all times.  Your witnesses must be able to see you sign at the same time, but they need not be able to see exactly what is written. This means that it is perfectly possible for them to witness your signature whilst keeping their distance. 

A recent article in The Times emphasises that you don’t have to be right next to each other. The three of you can stand at the necessary distance around a table and take it in turns to step forward and sign. The important thing is that you sign in the presence and in direct line of sight of both witnesses. They must be able to see you sign, and you then see them sign.   

We will, of course, provide you with full and clear instructions to follow and guide you through the process.

If you are worried about getting your affairs in order please call our team on 0845 55 55 321 or email us at

