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Government launch employment tribunal refund scheme

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The Government has now published details on how both employees and employers who paid now-banned employment tribunal fees can apply for a refund.

In July 2017, the Supreme Court ruled that paying to bring an employment tribunal claim is unlawful.

The Ministry of Justice said this week that the “first phase” of refunds is aimed at people applying for refunds in single claims. This will include the around 1,000 people who have contacted the department since the Supreme Court ruling three months ago, it added.

All other parties who are not included in the first phase have been invited to register online or by post.

The Government also said that it would be “working with trade unions who have supported large multiple claims potentially involving hundreds of claimants”.

Successful applicants will be entitled to 0.5 per cent interest, calculated from the date of the original payment up until the refund date.

Justice minister Dominic Raab said the initial phasing is to ensure the scheme works ‘efficiently and effectively’.

Adam Creme, of employment union Unison, said: “The government got it very wrong on fees, as ministers found to their cost when they lost at the Supreme Court in the summer.

“But the real tragedy of the fees fiasco is the thousands of wronged employees who couldn't afford to shell out to get justice and so lost out. Nothing can be done to help them, or to bring the many unscrupulous employers, who broke the law and got away with it, to court.”
