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I am a builder. Does the Consumer Rights Act 2015 apply to me and my work?

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The Consumer Rights Act 2015 applies to builders and their work, particularly if you are carrying out building work for consumers (individuals or households) rather than businesses. The Act sets out the rights and responsibilities for consumers when they buy goods and services from traders, including builders.

Under the Consumer Rights Act 2015, consumers have rights when they purchase services, including building work. These rights include:

1. The service must be carried out with reasonable care and skill.

2. The service must be carried out within a reasonable time (if no specific timeframe has been agreed).

3. The service must be provided at a reasonable price (if no specific price has been agreed).

If the service does not meet these standards, consumers have rights to remedies such as:

1. The right to request that the service is performed again (often referred to as the right to a repeat performance).

2. The right to a price reduction.

3. The right to claim for damages for any loss suffered.

It's important for builders to be aware of these rights and to ensure that they provide services that meet the required standards.

For more information about dealing with building disputes call Rebecca Rogers on 01562 820181 or email
