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Survey of company bosses questions UK energy policy

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Business leaders have suggested that successive governments have failed to deliver when it comes to energy policy.

The Institute of Directors (IoD) recently polled 1,000 of its members and almost seven in ten were unhappy with the handling of the issue in recent years, with administrations of all political hues being accused of mishandling the situation.

Almost two thirds of those surveyed did not believe that ministers had ensured the UK would have all the power it needs going forward.

The results also showed that the majority of company bosses are in favour of the UK drawing energy from a variety of sources, including renewables, nuclear and clean fossil fuels.

There is also concern that the lack of a consistent strategy has led to a number of “bizarre” outcomes, including the UK being left with little choice but to import coal and gas from overseas and subsidise “dirty diesel” power stations.

Following the release of the poll results, the IoD pointed out that the creation of an all-new Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy may present an opportunity for the new Prime Minister, Theresa May, to reconsider the approach to energy policy in the UK.

In response to the concerns, a spokesman for the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy said: “This Government is delivering on its priority to provide secure, clean and affordable energy.”
